Lämpöpumput integroivat tekniikat, joilla dekarbonisoidaan lämmitys ja jäähdytys- EHPAn raportti

Lämpöpumput integroivat tekniikat, joilla dekarbonisoidaan lämmitys ja jäähdytys

European Heat Pump association EHPAn laaja raportti ”Heat Pumps Integrating technologies to decarbonize heating and cooling” lämpöpumppujen isosta roolista Euroopan dekarbonisoinissa ilmestynyt

Heat Pumps Integrating technologies to decarbonize heating and cooling

  • Decarbonising society without decarbonizing heating and cooling is not possible.
  • Directed at policy-makers and industry players, this report advances the unique integrative function

that heat pumps provide for decarbonising the heating and cooling sectors, thus explaining why heat pump technology will be at central component of Europe’s future energy system.

  • Heat pump technology can deliver major economic, environmental and energy system benefits to

Europe. Heat pumps use renewable energy and may be the single most efficient technology for

heating and cooling.

  • Heating and cooling demand in Europe
  • Heat pump technologies
  • Social, environmental and economic benefits of heat pumps
  • Integrating renewable energies
  • Heat pumps and energy efficiency
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Stabilizing grids by providing demand response potential
  • Environmental impact of heat pump use
  • Local employment
  • Supply security
  • Application areas for heat pump technology
  • Market development
  • Policy recommendations

EHPAn raportti:

Lämpöpumput integroivat tekniikat, joilla dekarbonisoidaan lämmitys ja jäähdytys